Pepper is a simple countdown timer application for Android devices that can issue notifications at regular intervals during the countdown period.
Pepper was developed to help a child with Cystic Fibrosis perform his/her daily lung physiotherapy by timing the length of the treatment and issuing reminders to "cough" at fixed intervals during the treatment. The application is flexible, however, and can be configured for many other uses - for example it could issue reminders to take periodic breaks throughout a workday sitting in front of a computer screen.
Pepper has settings for the total length of elapsed time to be measured (default 15 minutes), and for an interval of time at which an action should be performed (default 80 seconds). Each time the interval elapses, an "interval action" is performed (default is to play a built-in audio file giving a verbal command to "cough", and to pop-up a text display with a similar message). When the configured total elapsed time is reached, a "final action" is performed (default is to play a built-in audio file with a voice saying something like "You're finished now, good job!", and to pop-up a text display with a similar message).
Pepper is a completely free application, and is not "burdened" with advertisements. Donations, however, are gladly accepted, and can be made from within the application using Google Play in-app billing. Proceeds from donations will be used to make fixes and improvements to Pepper, and to fund development of more CF-related applications.
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